Welcome Letter:


  • We will be trying to create a flowing drop-off/pick-up loop using the main entrance bus loop and the rear parking lot to prevent backups on Mendon Center Road. Drivers that are dropping off WITHOUT getting out of their vehicles please pull to the rear of the building and let your camper(s) out in a timely fashion. This can tend to get congested so please be courteous and safe during drop-off/pick-up. Drivers that are parking please use the parking lots closest to Mendon Center Road, near the playground or near the bus garage that do not block or clog the bus loop in front of the main entrance or the rear parking lot.

  • On the first day each camper should check in between 8:30am - 9:00am at the registration table that will be located at the rear of Mendon Center Elementary. The line can get very long on the 1st day so if you have any lengthy questions please email the Camp Director prior to keep the line moving. Feel free to walk up with your child, but if your child is comfortable to check-in without their parent this will help keep everything flowing. All online registrants have already completed our medical waiver. If a camper is not on our registration list, we will not send them home. We will contact the parent later to see what we are missing.

  • At NOON we will use the same loop as the drop-off (main entrance bus loop & rear parking lot). Please adhere to the following guidelines to keep everyone moving and safe:

    • Remind your child who is picking them up and in what vehicle

    • Pull all the way up when there is room to do so

    • If you are going to get out of your vehicle please use the parking lots mentioned above

  • If the weather becomes threatening with thunder/lightning, we will take the campers to the cafeteria. We will be limited to movies, board games, etc. If it is only raining, we will remain outside so please have your camper(s) dress appropriately based on the forecast. If a camper is staying home for the day, arriving late or getting picked up early please let us know as soon as possible.

  • A positive attitude, athletic clothing and footwear, shin guards, a soccer ball and water bottle with your name on it. Please make sure your child has sunblock on and brings any medical supplies (Inhaler, EpiPen, Benadryl, etc.) that they may need. Many of the elementary aged campers bring snacks. If your child chooses to bring a snack, please keep in mind allergies that others may have.